SLDCC Projects
Permanent Restoration for Toppled Towers Affected by Typhoon Rolly (Erection and Construction), Sp20.PRTTR.Lc-0506
Permanent Restoration for the Naga-Daraga-Tiwi-A, Naga-Tiwi A & Naga Tiwi C 230kV TL Affected by Tyhpoon Tisoy Sp20.PRNDTA/NTA&NTC.Lt-0453
Babatngon-Paranas-Calbayog Line 2 OPGW Retrofitting Project (PR No. 10051040)
Supply, Delivery, Construction, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Substation Equipment Including Transfer of the Existing 5MVA Transformer from Narra Substation for the Expansion of Brooke’s Point Substation (LOG MSSP 2019-10-078-GRJ)
Construction of Power Facilities for the 2 x 150kW Diesel Generating Sets and 13.8kV Distribution Line Including Supply, Delivery, Erection/Installation, Test & Commissioning of Balance of Plant in Pag-asa, Kalayaan Island, Palawan (LOG MSSP 2019-09-063-GRJ)
Supply, Delivery, Construction, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 5MVA San Miguel Substation Project (LOG MSSP 2019-01-009-ZCT)
Package C: Mindanao – Visayas Interconnection Project (Dapitan – Lala and Dumanjug – Santander 350kV HVDC Transmission Lines), Sp18.MVIPDCTL.MVt-0356
Cebu - Negros - Panay 230kV Backbone Project - Stage 3, Phase 4 (San Carlos Switching Station Portion), Sp19.CNP3P4(SS).Vt-0438
Supply and Erection/Installation of San Miguel - Viga 69kV Transmission Line Project (LOG MSSP 2021-09-071-ZCT)
Erection and Construction for the Permanent Restoration of C.P. Garcia – Ubay 138kV T/L Special Towers Affected by Typhoon Odette, Sp21.PRSTTO.Vc-0563
Cebu - Negros - Panay 230kV Backbone Project - Stage 3, Phase 4 (Calatrava - San Carlos 60kV Transmission Line Portion), Sp19.CNP3P4(TL).Vt-0434
San Manuel - Nagsaag 230kV Transmission Line Project (500/230kV Substation Portion) and Nagsaag - Tumana 69kV Transmission Line Project (Nagsaag 69kV SS Portion), Schedule II - Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Substation Equipment and Materials Including NGCOP Supplied Equipment (2nd Re-Bidding), Sp19.SMNTLP(SS).Lt-0431(II)R2